A beautiful, handcrafted Dragon Bloodstone elephant These are wonderful gifts for a loved one or even yourself.
Elephant figurines are an ancient symbol of strength and majesty. The gentle giant is the largest land animal on earth today, but its energy is kind and wise.
In Feng Shui, the elephant figurine brings good luck, wisdom, and fertility. Elephants with their trunks up especially call-in good luck. Elephants intertwining their trunks with each other symbolize love and friendship. Elephants with their trunks down symbolize strength, pushing through obstacles, and warding off enemies.
Dragon Blood Jasper, also known as Dragon Stone, stimulates creativity, attracts money and love, and helps you achieve your goals. Dragon Blood Jasper encourages spiritual growth and supports spiritual self-healing. Dragon Blood Jasper is a stone of personal power. It provides strength, courage, and purpose to help face difficulties and heal repressed emotional issues.
The following are common recommendations regarding where to put an elephant statue in your house:
Front door: A statue of an elephant, or two elephants, placed there will provide strength, protection, and good fortune to the home. Elephants of many blessings is another name for these lucky elephants. The elephant should always be facing the room when it is placed in your house, according to the basic rule. An elephant should face the front door; else, its good energy will exit through the door and out of your life. The elephant's back should be toward the door.
Bedroom: Placing an elephant statue within the bedroom will aid to bring luck and fertility. It is recommended to set the elephant on a shelf facing the bed or on the bedside table.
Office: To encourage strength and intelligence, elephant sculptures might be positioned there. Placing the elephant on the desk or a shelf facing the room is advised.