Prehnite with Black Tourmaline is said to encourage a positive attitude to life, to enhance precognition, visualization, and inner knowledge, and bring peace and protection. It can help to restore your trust in the universe, dispelling negative thoughts and encouraging clear rational thought processes.
Prehnite is considered a stone of unconditional love and the crystal to heal the healer. It enhances precognition and inner knowing. Prehnite alleviates nightmares, phobias, and deep fears, uncovering and healing the dis-ease that creates them. It is a stone for dreaming and remembering.
Clear Quartz is an energy amplifier. It magnifies energy. It can be programmed to hold the intention and assist in the manifestation of the focused intent. A powerful meditation tool. Useful as a dream stone, assisting in remembering and interpreting dreams.
Use for reiki, healing, meditation, chakra balancing, or ritual. It can also be used in conjunction with a chakra wand. Each spiritual healing stone has a specific color and psychic vibration, emitting positive energy to attune and cleanse your aura.
Orgonite is an amazing substance, formed from resin, metals, and quartz.
Choose a beautiful orgonite pyramid to place in your home or office, and you will love the results.
Orgonite is a source of Orgone Energy, also known as prana, life force, ki, chi, mana, and universal energy. Orgone Energy is believed to assist in spiritual healing and protect from negative energy.
Orgonite is an effective energy transmutation device. Use it to assist in negating the effects of harmful EMF radiation.
This amazing substance converts negative or stagnant bioelectric energy into positive energy. An added bonus is the quartz crystal. The Orgonite shrinks during the curing process, which compresses the crystal. This causes a piezoelectric effect. In simple terms, the crystal becomes electrically polarized. And this enhances its use as a positive energy generator.
Use Orgonite to help purify the environment in your home and office.
- Place it near your computer, laptop, Wi-Fi router, or other electronic devices. This will assist in protecting you from dangerous EMF radiation.
- Place them in and around your home to create a positive, balanced environment.
- Place it underneath a glass or bottle of water, or even in or on a water filter, to recharge it with life-force energy.
- Use it to improve meditation, yoga, and spiritual practices.
- Place it under your pillow or near your bed. This will help improve sleep quality, promote lucid dreaming and assist with insomnia.
- Place it in your garden or near house plants; they can thrive with Orgone energy and grow much faster.